Place Order

Trade-in device information

  • Urządzenia {{tradeAnswer.modelAnswer}}/{{tradeAnswer.storageAnswer?(tradeAnswer.storageAnswer+'/'):''}}{{tradeAnswer.lockedAnswer || tradeAnswer.capacityAnswer}}
  • Quote {{tradeAnswer.quoteAmt}}{{ tradeAnswer.evaluatePromotionAmt?(' + '+ tradeAnswer.evaluatePromotionAmt):''}}
  • IMEI {{tradeAnswer.imei}}

Adres dostawy Zmień


The zip code needs to match the state of your shipping address to generate a shipping label.





Trade-in method Zmień

  • OnePlus Token

    {{tradeAnswer.quoteAmt}} + {{tradeAnswer.evaluatePromotionAmt}}(Bonus)

    This quotation will expire 21 days after your order is placed.

  • Cashback

    {{tradeAnswer.quoteAmt}} + {{tradeAnswer.evaluatePromotionAmt}}(Bonus)

    This quotation will expire 21 days after your order is placed.

Cashback Not Eligible ?

Zwrot gotówki nie jest możliwy w jednej z poniższych sytuacji:

1.Trade-in quote value is higher than your purchase order value.

2.You have not purchased OnePlus device yet, or your purchase order was still within 15 days (30 days in UK).

3.The date of your purchase had passed 150 days

Select your order to apply cashback

  • Order number : {{item.orderNo}}

    Order time : {{item.createTime}}


    Total price : {{item.showTotalAmount}}


{{tradeAnswer.quoteAmt}} {{ tradeAnswer.evaluatePromotionAmt? ('+ '+ tradeAnswer.evaluatePromotionAmt):''}} Cashback for {{ tradeInMethodInfo.orderNumber }}

I have read the Terms and Conditions}}

Place Order


A confirmation email with your shipping label and order information will be sent you at:

A confirmation email with your trade-in order information will be sent to you at:


Please go to your email and confrim your order if you selected for a shipping label.

{{sendRepair.commonText.formationCheck}} {{sendRepair.commonText.formationShip}}

What happens next?

  • 1

    Factory reset your old device.

  • 2

    Arrange shipping and send your old device to us.

  • 3

    Get Token or Cashback.